- Dog breeds that look like bears
- 1. Bichon Frize
- 2. Pekingese
- 3. German Dwarf Spitz
- 4. Poodle
- 5. Yorkshire Terrier
- 6. American Eskimo
- 7. Chow chow
- 8. Keeshond
- 9. Eurasier
- 10. Samoyed
- 11. Tibetan Mastiff
- 12. Alaskan Klee Kai
- 13. Saint Bernard
- 14. Welsh Corgi Pembroke
- 15. Akita Inu
- 16. Alaskan Malamute
- 17. Shiba Inu
- 18. Bouvier Des Flanders
- 19. Pastor of the Caucasus
- 20. Mountain Dog of the Pyrenees

They can have long or curled fur, but the truth is that we love dogs and we will always find these companions beautiful.
Some stand out for their excess hair and this article by PeritoAnimal is dedicated to these companions of man: so furry, that they look like bears, even more so when they are cubs.
we separate 20 breeds of dogs that look like bears, one cuter than the other! If you want to adopt one of these dogs to keep you company, don't forget that they must be brushed regularly, in addition to needing grooming and bathing more often.
Dog breeds that look like bears
In our selection of dogs that look like bears, we go from those that are equal to small teddy bears, to those of large size, similar to polar bears or pandas. Check out!
1. Bichon Frize
Of French origin, the Bichon Frisé is endowed with a long, soft and very curled coat. When your fur is long, it forms a kind of super cute helmet, making it even more like a teddy bear.
This breed usually doesn't have more than 30 cm and, although many people confuse it with the poodle, it has a more playful temperament. They are very smart, affectionate and innocent.

2. Pekingese
Imagine a small dog with a narrow body, wide head and thick, shiny and long coat: this is the Pekingese.
Endowed with an independent spirit, they are quite bossy and stubborn, enjoying being the king of the house. The breed is also very companionable and affectionate.

3. German Dwarf Spitz
Originally from Europe, the German dwarf Spitz can also be known around there by the name of Lulu of Pomerania. They are curious dogs, full of energy and friendly, but they also like to boss around.
This breed reaches 28 cm and it has a very thick and textured double coat., making this dog look like a little polar bear.

4. Poodle
The Poodle is among the most common breeds in Brazil and also appears in the ranking of the smartest. Are animals jealous, energetic and who really enjoy the company and human affection.
They can appear in four different groups: giant, medium, dwarf and toy, with the latter category being the smallest.

5. Yorkshire Terrier
Known for their thin, long coat, which can reach up to 37 cm, the Yorkshire are kind and protective companions.
It's a breed that loves to explore and play around and, your furry little face, looks like a little teddy bear. But make no mistake, Yorkshire also knows how to be bossy and has a very familiar bark.

6. American Eskimo
The American Eskimo comes from the same family as the Pomeranian Lulu and, therefore, it can appear around under the name of German Spitz. The biggest difference between them is in size: with an average of 38 to 51 cm, the American Eskimo is already a medium-sized dog, becoming a dog that looks like a adult polar bear.
Owner of a very kind and intelligent personality, this breed likes to please others and, therefore, gets along very well with children when trained.

7. Chow chow
If you have a race of dog that looks like a polar bear this, of course, is the chow chow. This little animal is well known for its bluish tongue and for being extremely furry, looking like a cozy and soft blanket. Even the puppy chow chow is endowed with the breed's peculiar mane that is extremely fluffy!
In general, they are very relaxed, loyal and independent. They like to expend energy running and jumping around and are very protective. We are used to seeing this breed with white or reddish fur, but when they come out mixed in black and white the dogs look like panda bears, gaining even more fans out there.

8. Keeshond
Keeshond has its origins in Germany and, like Lulu and American Eskimo, it does part of the german Spitz family.
Physically, it looks like the Chow chow cub, endowed with a kind of mane around the neck, formed by thick and soft strands. With short legs, the Keeshond can reach 55 cm tall and is a very sociable breed that likes to play and have company.

9. Eurasier
Another dog that is related to the Chow chow is the Eurasier. He is described as an inquisitive, calm, and quite amiable dog, but who may have difficulty trusting first-rate people.
Your coat is quite thick and dogs of this breed have the teddy-like snout.

10. Samoyed
Originating in Russia, the Samoyed is one of the oldest breeds that exist. Usually, dogs of this breed have white fur, dense and fluffy, as if it were a kind of canine coat to survive the winter.
Up to 60 cm tall, these dogs like to be the center of attention. Energetic, they need daily walks and space to have fun. But, they are extremely sociable and loving.

11. Tibetan Mastiff
Another breed of ancient origin that resembles a bear is the Tibetan Mastiff. These dogs are believed to be related to the nomadic peoples of Asia.
Your paws are chubby, the layered fur and the panda-like muzzle, making them even cuter. It is these characteristics that often make him known as the panda bear-like dog. The Tibetan Mastiff is a large dog, reaching up to 76 cm in height. They are very protective, quiet and stubborn.

12. Alaskan Klee Kai
The Alaskan Klee Kai is a relatively new breed and physically resembles the Siberian Husky a lot, especially in the snout. Its coat is very delicate and looks hand-drawn, making its puppies look like little teddy bears.
The biggest differences between this dog and the Husky are in size and behavior, since the Klee Kai is more docile and adaptable to human interaction, in addition to being smaller. They are also energetic, intelligent and extremely curious.

13. Saint Bernard
Can reach 120 kg, the São Bernardo is a large breed extremely docile, acting like a kind of elder. He inspires wisdom, is kind and patient, and loves to play with children.
Their fur is so soft it looks like a blanket, moving when they run, which only makes the St. Bernards even cuter.

14. Welsh Corgi Pembroke
Known as the official dog of the UK royal family, the Welsh Corgi Pembroke is endowed with a long body, small legs and smooth coat.
Unlike the Corgi Cardigan, which is at least dense and is a more rustic dog, the Pembroke usually appears around in orange hues and, when a puppy, its small round ears resemble a teddy bear. They are very playful, companions and like space.

15. Akita Inu
This breed had its origin in Japan, more than 3000 thousand years ago, characterizing itself as one of the oldest dogs in the world. They are extremely proud and conceited, so they don't have much care for their fur.
Akita Inu is also faithful, courageous and docile. Being a dog used to snow and cold temperatures, it has thick fur, divided into layers.

16. Alaskan Malamute
As the name implies, this breed of dog is common in Alaska, being quite old. Like the Alaskan Klee Kai, the Alaskan Malamute resembles the Husky.
Both come from the same family and the main difference between them is that the Malamute is stronger and more resistant, in addition to being less fast. They can reach 48 kg and have a beautiful fur, fit for a polar bear. They are independent, energetic and sociable.

17. Shiba Inu
One of the Shiba Inu's greatest charms is its coat almost always caramel, smooth and shiny, with its tail forming a curl upwards. This breed originated in Japan and can reach 43 cm.
Among the strongest traits of your personality is the independence. They like to play in open fields, are very confident and alert, as well as intelligent.

18. Bouvier Des Flanders
Translating your name literally, it would be something like “Flanders cattle rancher”, which refers to the region where this dog is common. The relationship with cows and oxen comes from their past, as they used to be raised on farms to help with daily work.
The Bouvier Des Flandres has a very characteristic fur, full and curled, covering its entire body that becomes even more fluffy and plump. He is a loyal, gentle and very friendly dog, as well as being brave.

19. Pastor of the Caucasus
This is one of the largest dogs present in this article, reaching 70 cm as an adult, reaching up to 90 kg. They are called the Shepherd of the Caucasus, as they were bred to protect herds of sheep on large farms in the former Soviet Union. This dog is also called the Caucasus Mastiff, or Caucasian mountain dog.
Its coat is extremely thick and not usually uniform, standing out as one of the species' charms. They are quite lazy, strong and calm.

20. Mountain Dog of the Pyrenees
The Mountain Dog of the Pyrenees was also used for the protection of herds, however, this little dog is much smaller than the previous one, keeping an average of 36 to 54 kg.
Its white or brown fur is dense and smooth, resembling a blanket on its body. they are quite affectionate, calm and determined, being great companions.
So, did you like our list or do you want to add another cute dog breed? Just comment.