The 10 Healthiest Dog Breeds

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 2 March 2025
These Are 10 Healthiest Dog Breeds
Video: These Are 10 Healthiest Dog Breeds


We all wish our dogs never got sick or had to leave. However, the law of nature dictates that the cycle of life must be fulfilled in all species. To adopt a best friend who will be with you for many years, we suggest you get to know the healthiest dog breeds in the world. Next, we prepared a list of dogs that have a good life expectancy and a low genetic predisposition to develop the main canine pathologies.

We must emphasize that there isn't a race that doesn't get sick. All dogs need to live in a positive environment and receive adequate preventive medicine to stay healthy. But in this new article by PeritoAnimal, we present the breeds of dogs that combine privileged longevity, great physical and mental resistance, as well as few health problems. Discover the 10 healthiest dog breeds!

1. Shiba inu

The shiba inu is an exemplar of the spitz group that is among the oldest dog breeds in the world. Traditionally, it is considered of japanese origin, although some hypotheses suggest that they could originate from China or Korea. Dogs of this breed have a compact, robust and very resistant body, with a short but abundant coat. The shiba inu can be described as small, robust and healthy dogs, able to withstand the challenges of life in the wild.

To mention the most common diseases of shiba inu, we should highlight hip dysplasia and hypothyroidism. Canine associations did not agree on the longevity of the shiba inu. While some experts point out a 15 year life expectancy, others claim that these dogs can live up to 18 years old. We must remember, on this occasion, the furry Pusuke name, a crossbred Japanese dog, crosses of shiba-inu, which reached 26 years and 9 months of life, being among the longest known canines.

2. Australian cattle herder

Also known as australian cattle dog, the australian herdsman is a dog of medium size, strong, with well-developed musculature and great agility. It admits 2 coat varieties: the red heeler (coat in reddish tones) and the blue heeler (coat in bluish tones).

These dogs share many aspects of their personality with the famous border collie. They are extremely energetic, courageous and very intelligent. need to receive the physical and mental stimulation suitable for staying healthy and happy. When subjected to a sedentary lifestyle, they can be constantly restless and develop symptoms associated with stress and boredom.

The oldest dog we know belonged to this breed. The furry Australian named Bluey became a true legend after reaching the 29 years old of life. However, we must clarify that the average life expectancy of the Australian cattle herder is 10 to 14 years old. A certain genetic predisposition to suffer from hip dysplasia has been reported, and diagnoses of progressive retinal atrophy and deafness (usually associated with aging) have also been reported in this breed.

3. Basenji

Basenji is unique for many reasons. Are considered the oldest dogs in the world, which is usually associated with their remarkable endurance and physical strength. Remember that, in ancient times, only the strongest animals and best adapted to the adversities of their environment could survive.

It is estimated that this dog is originally from Africa, where it would have been used in hunting and tracking terrestrial prey. He gained some international fame as "the dogs that never bark", leading the ranking of breeds that bark little. In fact, these puppies emit a peculiar sound that is very similar to a laugh and not the traditional canine bark.

The life expectancy of a basenji is between 12 and 14 years old. With a balanced diet, physical exercise and adequate preventive medicine, these dogs rarely get sick. They are very hygienic, shed little hair and clean themselves very often. Among the common diseases of this breed, we find kidney problems (mainly the so-called Falconi Syndrome), and progressive retinal atrophy.

4. Border Collie

We have no doubts that the border collie is a very special breed. These dogs lead the ranking of the smartest dogs in the world according to the list compiled by Stanley Coren. are dogs active, faithful, with great learning capacity and remarkable agility, which need to be properly stimulated both physically and mentally. Therefore, they require a dedicated and willing tutor, with a good disposition of time and space.

They demonstrate a privileged longevity, with a average life expectancy of 14 to 17 years. But, like all dogs, they need to receive adequate preventive medicine to enjoy a healthy and happy life. Border collies show some susceptibility to developing hip dysplasia, epilepsy, and collie eye anomaly.

5. Siberian Husky

The Siberian husky doesn't exactly stand out for its life expectancy (between 10 and 13 years old), but for its excellent health and great physical resistance. Compared to puppies of their size and robustness, "huskies" have a really low predisposition to most degenerative diseases.

Among the few common pathologies in this breed, we can mention ophthalmological problems, such as cataracts, progressive retinal atrophy and corneal dystrophy. And some specimens may be susceptible to diagnoses of hip dysplasia and cancer in their old age.

6. Belgian Shepherd Malinois

The Belgian Shepherd Malinois has a big advantage compared to most sheepdogs. Their cognitive abilities were historically valued more than their physical qualities or their appearance. Therefore, it presents a really very low predisposition to all kinds of hereditary or degenerative disease. The only diseases with moderate incidence in this breed are: hip dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy and corneal dystrophy.

However, we must keep in mind that these furry ones will need a high level of physical activity to stay healthy, strong and healthy. In addition, early training and socialization will be essential.

7. English Foxhound

The english foxhound shows many physical similarities with the beagle. However, they are bigger and heavier than their "compatriots": an adult male foxhound can reach 60 cm in height, with a body weight of 30 to 35 kg. Its coat is short, hard and generally tricolor (white, brown and black), although there are also bicolor varieties (white and brown; white and black).

These puppies are strong, stout, and have an admirable physical strength and a well-defined personality. Your life expectancy is calculated between 10 and 14 years old, varying according to the lifestyle of each one. Currently, hereditary diseases of high incidence in this breed are not registered. However, some specimens may be affected by leukodystrophy, a rare genetic disorder that affects nerve cells and adrenal glands.

8. Affenpinscher

This breed from Germany is not very popular outside its home country, where your name means"monkey dog". However, the affenpinscher is an excellent companion dog, which is very affectionate and protective in its core family. They are small puppies, with height at the withers of 24 to 28 cm, with a body weight of 3 to 6 kg.

His adorable appearance, which clearly harks back to the Terrier family, and active, playful demeanor are truly charming. But what really impresses these little furry ones is their impressive good health. Affenpinscher is not highly predisposed to any disease, although some specimens may develop hip dysplasia and cataract in old age. Your life expectancy usually varies from 12 to 15 years old, according to the lifestyle of each animal.

9. Bichon Frize

The bichon frisé may look like a stuffed dog, but it's a breed. tough and very healthy. It has a moderate tendency to develop overweight, patellar dislocation (usually due to excessive physical activity), and cataracts in old age. Of course, we must emphasize that these pathologies can be easily prevented with healthy habits, such as a balanced diet and the practice of regular but moderate exercise. Your life expectancy stays between 12 and 14 years old.

However, this breed requires a lot of care with its beautiful coat to avoid the formation of us, eliminate impurities and dead hair. In addition, they need to receive adequate preventive medicine to stay healthy and enjoy privileged longevity.

10. Finnish Spitz

O finnish spitz is another breed that does not register a great predisposition to develop any degenerative disease. Some specimens of this breed have been diagnosed with diabetes, but we must consider that it is a disease that is easy to prevent and control. On rare occasions, they have been diagnosed with hip dysplasia and Shaker Syndrome.

Why are some dogs healthier than others?

Ever wonder why some dogs are healthier than others? We could spend hours explaining the history of dogs, but we'll summarize this question for you to understand easily. In the centuries of domestication, dogs have undergone numerous crosses to highlight (or exaggerate) certain features physical or instinctual behaviors.

The aesthetic standards of breeds, as we know them today, are the result of these centuries of genetic selection and crosses. As a result, many breeds have experienced a marked increase in their genetic predisposition to develop a range of inherited diseases.

However, we must remember that the longevity and good health of all pets depend mainly on the preventive medicine, care, education and the environment we provide them. Therefore, even if your furry one does not appear among the healthiest and longest-lived dog breeds, remember that your quality of life depends mainly on your dedication. Likewise, if your pet is among the dogs with the most health problems, remember that the evolution of veterinary medicine makes it possible to prevent the appearance of many negative symptoms and improve its life expectancy.

To maintain your best friend's good health and allow him to enjoy privileged longevity, don't forget to do veterinarian visits every 6 months, respect your vaccination schedule and periodic deworming from your first weeks of life. In addition to offering a balanced diet, regular exercise and reinforced hygiene habits that allow you to improve your physical and mental endurance. And to stimulate their cognitive, emotional and social skills, invest in their early socialization and adequate training.

Is it true that stray dogs are healthier?

Mixed Breed Puppies (SRD) were not subjected to intense selective crossings that we mentioned earlier. Its great genetic diversity makes it possible to avoid the predisposition to suffer the vast majority of hereditary diseases that severely affect many dog ​​breeds. Therefore, the stray dogs tend to live longer or falling ill less often than purebred dogs.

However, we must be very careful not to feed false myths when we talk about the good health of stray dogs. These dogs need to receive the same preventive care than any dog ​​of breed. They must also have the affection of their tutors and a positive environment to develop correctly and remain strong, healthy and happy. So remember that your furry mutt's longevity also depends on your commitment to his well-being.

And speaking of mixed-breed dogs, don't miss the complete record of the caramel mutt, one of the most popular dogs in Brazil.

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