Cat abscess: symptoms and treatment

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 20 February 2025
Cat Abscess Popping After Cat Fight
Video: Cat Abscess Popping After Cat Fight


In this article by PeritoAnimal we will talk about abscesses in cats: symptoms and treatment. Abscesses are accumulations of pus that can be seen on the skin in the form of larger or smaller nodules. The affected area, in addition to becoming inflamed, may become red and even form a wound or ulcer, if the skin is damaged. Also, if the abscess in cats ruptures, the pus inside the abscess will leak out. Behind an abscess, which can occur anywhere in the body, is an infection that should be treated by your veterinarian.

Cat abscess: what is it?

Abscess in cats is one of the most common skin problems in felines. The basic characteristics of abscesses are, as we have already mentioned:

  • Swelling of the skin, forming a nodule which varies in size;
  • presence of infection, that is, the abscess will contain pus;
  • Pain and heat in the area;
  • The remaining symptoms depend on location. We'll see some examples in the next sections.

Therefore, if you notice any lumps on your cat's body, you should report this to your veterinarian, as it is necessary to confirm the nature of the inflammation before starting treatment, as not all lumps will be abscesses. Cats can also have skin tumors of greater or lesser severity. Fat nodules are uncommon in cats.

Abscess in cats: mouth

Let's start this review of the most common abscesses in cats with those that can appear in the mouth. when a infection affects a tooth piece, an accumulation of pus may be produced, giving rise to the abscess. These are very painful, and you may notice that the cat will stop eating or will struggle to do so. If you can look inside the mouth, you may see the abscess and/or pus, however this exploration is difficult due to the pain the cat will feel when touched in the area. Some abscesses in cats on the tooth can even affect the eye, causing inflammation or pus discharge.

In these cases, it is customary to opt for part extraction or affected teeth, in addition to cleaning the mouth and prescribing antibiotics. Diagnosis is based on radiography.

Abscess in cats: perianal

This type of abscess in cats can be located in the area around the anus. There are the anal glands which, among other problems, can become infected and allow an abscess to form, which you will see as inflammation. The skin may appear reddened, form a sore, or open, in which case you will notice pus coming out. Usually generates bad odor. There are cases that worsen with a perianal fistula, which is a channel through which pus can reach the outside. This is a painful process, which the veterinarian must treat with antibiotics and hygiene of the area.

Below you can check cat abscess pictures.

Cat abscesses by bite

Injuries caused by conflicts with other animals, especially fights between cats, which produce bites, have a high probability of infect due to bacteria that these animals carry in their mouths. In these cases, it is common for the wound to appear to have healed externally, but inside, the pus builds up until the abscess is visible. These abscesses are painful, and depending on the area they are in, they can give rise to other problems, such as difficulties opening your mouth or keeping your head straight.

To prevent, in addition to preventing the cat from going out on its own, especially if it is not neutered, you should pay attention to all wounds to ensure they heal smoothly, including those that seem unimportant. The treatment, as we have already mentioned, includes the disinfection and/or use of antibiotics. Abscesses in more complex cats may need a drain.

Cat abscess: how to treat

In the previous sections, we saw how to treat abscesses in cats. Now, we list here the steps to follow, always according to the veterinary recommendation:

  • Infection identification that caused the abscess, if any. Sometimes it can be caused by a trapped foreign body, which the veterinarian must locate and extract.
  • prescription of antibiotics for abscess in cats, with the aim of eliminating the infection that is causing the accumulation of pus. Given the difficulties that some cats have in taking pills, these can also be prescribed in an injectable form.
  • In the case of abscesses that are hard to the touch you can, as home remedy for abscesses in cats, apply heat on it so that it softens and cleans itself better.
  • After draining as much pus as possible, at home you should disinfect the area with products such as chlorhexidine.
  • For abscesses in more severe cats, the veterinarian may make a small incision to introduce a drain, usually a tube, through which liquids will escape to the outside while the wound does not heal.

Cat abscess: video

In the video below from the Manatí Veterinary Clinic, located in Spain, it is possible to observe the drainage of an abscess in a cat, which helps to emphasize the importance of looking for an expert, since at home it would be impossible to perform this practice. Likewise, without the proper material and the necessary hygiene, the wound could get worse, causing new infections and, consequently, worsening the clinical picture.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.