
THE Shar Pei fever it is not deadly for your pet if detected in time. Knowing that it is a hereditary disease and therefore your dog can suffer from birth, at PeritoAnimal we want to inform you better about what is Shar Pei fever, how can it to detect in case your dog suffers from it and what is the treatment best suited to combat it. Keep reading and find out about everything!
What is Shar Pei fever?
Shar Pei fever, also known as familial fever, is a disease that is transmitted from generation to generation and of which, despite the numerous studies carried out, it is not yet known for sure which organism causes it.
Among these studies, some even stated that one of the causes of this disease was an excess of hyaluronic acid, which is the component of the skin that causes the Shar Pei dog to have these characteristic wrinkles in its body. However, this point has not yet been confirmed. What we do know is that, like all fevers that affect dogs, the fever that affects the Shar Pei is a defense mechanism which activates when your dog suffers from an attack of some type of pathogen.

What are the symptoms
The main symptoms of familial Shar Pei fever are:
- the own fever (between 39° and 42°C)
- Inflammation of one or more of the joints
- Inflammation of the muzzle
- Abdominal discomforts
As it is a hereditary disease, puppies that suffer from it begin to feel its symptoms before the age of 18 months, although it is not uncommon for the symptoms to start at 3 or 4 years of age.
The joint most affected by this disease is called hock, which is the joint located in the lower part of the paw and the upper part of the cane and where the flexion and extension movements of the posterior extremities are concentrated. Often what gets inflamed is not the joint itself but the area around it. As for the muzzle inflammation, we must mention that it causes a lot of pain in the dog and that, if it is not treated quickly, it can also affect the lips. Finally, the abdominal discomforts cause in this animal lack of appetite, resistance to movement and even vomiting and diarrhea.

Shar Pei Fever Treatment
Before talking about the treatment for this fever, it is worth remembering that if you detect any type of change in your puppy, take him immediately to the vet, as it is this professional who should examine your puppy.
If the veterinarian determines that your Shar Pei puppy suffers from temperatures above 39°C, they will treat you with antipyretics, which are those medications that reduce fever. If the fever persists, which is exceptional, as it usually disappears after 24 to 36 hours, you can also be given antibiotics. To relieve pain and inflammation of the muzzle and joints, anti-inflammatory not steroids.
This treatment, however, must be very controlled because it can cause side effects. Shar Pei fever there is no cure but these treatments are intended to prevent symptoms from progressing and can lead to a more serious and potentially deadly disease called amyloidosis.

Possible complications
THE amyloidosis is the main complication that the shar pei fever may have.
Amyloidosis is a group of diseases caused by the deposition of a protein called amyloid, which in the case of Shar Pei attacks kidney cells. In the case of amyloidosis, it does not only affect the Shar Pei, it is also a disease that can attack the Beagle, the English Foxhound and several cat breeds.
Although there is treatment, it is very aggressive and can cause death of the animal due to renal failure or even cardiac arrest within a maximum period of 2 years. Therefore, we recommend that if you have a Shar Pei that has suffered from a familial fever or even amyloidosis and has puppies, inform the veterinarian to at least be prepared and give the best quality of life to these puppies.
Also read our article on strong smelling shar pei and find the causes and solutions for this problem.

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.