- Basic needs make your dog happy
- 1. Brush the dog's fur:
- 2. Prevent the dog from having fleas:
- 3. Take care of the dog's needs according to its age:
- 4. Take care of the dog's needs:
- 5. Keep fresh water always available:
- 6. Walk your dog:
- 7. Don't give your dog human medicine without a prescription from a veterinarian:
- 8. Neuter your dog:
- 9. Cut the dog's nails:
- 10. Keep your dog in shape:
- 11. Take tours alternatives:
- 12. Let the dog sniff:
- 13. Talk to your dog:
- 14. Keep your dog's body clean:
- 15. Pet your dog:
- 16. Pay attention to the dog's behavior:
- 17. Stay cozy with the dog:
- 18. Brush the dog's teeth:
- 19. Go to the vet with the dog:
- 20. Socialize your puppy with other puppies:
- 21. Socialize your dog with other people:
- 22. Bathe your dog:
- 23. Train your dog:
- Food is essential to make you happy
- 24. Feed your dog well:
- 25. Don't give the dog candy:
- 26. Give some dog biscuits every now and then:
- 27. Give your dog natural treats
- 28. Give the dog quality food:
- 29. Make homemade food for your dog:
- play with your dog
- 30. Play with your dog everyday:
- 31. Make homemade toys for your dog:
- 32. Play catch with your dog:
- 33. Check your dog toys are safe:
- 34. Take the dog for a swim:
- 35. Give the dog something to bite:
- 36. Play hiding things with the dog:
- Attitudes that make your dog happy
- 37. happy birthday dog:
- 38. Be the dog's best friend:
- 39. Take a picture with the dog:
- 40. Make your puppy comfortable according to the room temperature:
- 41. Be kind to the dog:
- 42. Don't leave your dog alone for too long:
- 43. Play music for your dog:
- 44. Avoid getting the dog wet:
- 45. Keep the house safe for the dog:
- 46. Have a phone book with emergency contacts:

Dogs are considered human beings' best friends around the world and there must be some reason for this observation. Dog tutors feel in their routine all the care and affection that dogs can provide. With all these feelings, we feel that nobody is happier than us. Therefore, nothing more fair than repaying this affection and care for animals.
If you want to know how to make your dog happy, we at Animal Expert bring you this article with 46 ways to make your dog happy, explaining how some dog attitudes and things can help you make your pet happier.
Basic needs make your dog happy
1. Brush the dog's fur:
In addition to contributing to the aesthetics of the animal's coat, the brushing time can be relaxing for both the dog and the owner.
2. Prevent the dog from having fleas:
Fleas are small parasites that can adhere to the animal's skin and cause various symptoms, such as excessive itching and even allergy to their bites. It is important that you avoid the dog's contact with fleas to ensure that there are no such problems in the animal's life.
3. Take care of the dog's needs according to its age:
Dogs have different needs according to their age. Generally, puppies and elderly puppies need more attention from their guardians. Therefore, it is good that you treat your pet according to its needs.
4. Take care of the dog's needs:
In addition to the needs of puppies and seniors, each animal is a box of surprises that may need your help with a variety of issues. It is important that you are aware of this to ensure better health and quality of life for the dog.
5. Keep fresh water always available:
Water is recognized as the source of life and this is not restricted to human life. Water is important as it ensures the proper functioning of various metabolic activities in your dog's body. In addition, it is important to maintain the quality of the water you serve your dog to avoid contamination, which can make your dog sick.
6. Walk your dog:
Walking can make your puppy happy. In addition to being a physical activity, the walk allows your pet to discover new places, people, animals and prevents the dog from ending up bored at home, with plenty of energy to spend.
7. Don't give your dog human medicine without a prescription from a veterinarian:
It's normal for dog handlers to get desperate when the animal gets sick. At these times, it is important to know that some medications you use can harm the dog. For this reason, it is necessary that you medicate the dog only with medication prescribed by the veterinarian.
8. Neuter your dog:
Neutering is useful as it guarantees your dog's health benefits. The attitude of neutering is beneficial and can keep the puppy healthy.
9. Cut the dog's nails:
Cutting the dog's nails helps the animal walk and run more comfortably and pleasantly. Therefore, this act will make your pets happier.
10. Keep your dog in shape:
Physical exercise, good nutrition and a fit body are great for the health of any living being and for dogs it is no different. Keeping the dog in shape can prevent the animal from developing numerous diseases.

11. Take tours alternatives:
In addition to the benefits of walking the dog, walks in new places can make the dog happy, as the animal ends up knowing many new things in each of the walks.
12. Let the dog sniff:
Dogs are curious animals and have a very keen sense of smell. If your animal is investigating something using its sense of smell, let it sniff it at will, as long as it does not run the risk of coming into contact with substances that can be harmful to its health.
13. Talk to your dog:
It may seem like an innocent attitude, but talking to your dog can have several health benefits for both the animal and its tutor. In addition, talking to the dog can strengthen the bond of friendship between the two.
14. Keep your dog's body clean:
Keeping your pet's body free of dirt and parasites helps prevent many diseases. So it's good that you stick with this habit to ensure good health for the dog.
15. Pet your dog:
Everyone loves to be petted and dogs are no different. Petting can make the dog happy.
16. Pay attention to the dog's behavior:
Dogs don't speak with words, but they can communicate with their guardians with their behavior. It is important that you pay attention to your dog's behavior to understand what he is trying to tell you.
17. Stay cozy with the dog:
Spending time cuddled up with the dog can be very beneficial. Besides if you like your pet, it's really nice to spend time with the dog.
18. Brush the dog's teeth:
Brushing your dog's teeth may seem strange, but it helps prevent some illnesses that can affect your dog's health.
19. Go to the vet with the dog:
It is important that you periodically take your dog to see your veterinarian. So that it can be confirmed that the animal's health is good, or to carry out the treatment of any issue as quickly as possible.
20. Socialize your puppy with other puppies:
Dogs are social animals, just like their wolf ancestors, so socializing with other dogs can make your dog happy.
21. Socialize your dog with other people:
Dogs are used to human companionship and many people like these animals, so socializing with people can guarantee a moment full of affection for your dog.
22. Bathe your dog:
Bathing the dog from time to time can help prevent various diseases that your dog can develop, in addition to ensuring that the animal is constantly clean and fragrant, even after those walks in the mountains.
23. Train your dog:
Training the dog can help to get along well with other people or other animals.

Food is essential to make you happy
24. Feed your dog well:
It is important that you feed your pet well to ensure its health and well-being. Feeding is a basic need that can contribute to several issues in the dog's lifestyle and a balanced diet can contribute to making puppies happy.
25. Don't give the dog candy:
Candy consumed by humans is toxic to dogs, so it's very important that you don't let your dog feed on them.
26. Give some dog biscuits every now and then:
Dogs love pet-specific cookies. You can give the pet some cookies from time to time, it will make the pet happy.
27. Give your dog natural treats
Some natural treats can be excellent options as a reward for positively reinforcing your dog.
28. Give the dog quality food:
It is important that you feed the dog with quality food, which has the potential to be good for the dog's health.
29. Make homemade food for your dog:
Making your dog's food with natural foods is a good choice. Before that, check if the dog has allergies to some foods, and check foods that dogs can or cannot eat. Try making homemade ice cream for dogs.

play with your dog
30. Play with your dog everyday:
Playing with your puppy can be very beneficial. In addition to helping to expend the animal's energy, this can strengthen the animal's bond with its owner.
31. Make homemade toys for your dog:
It is not necessary for you to spend a fortune on dog supplies. You can make some homemade toys from easily accessible and safe materials for long-term fun with your dog.
32. Play catch with your dog:
The game of catch is known around the world, especially playing with dogs. This game makes the dog happy.
33. Check your dog toys are safe:
Not all dog things they sell on the market are safe. To ensure that your dog doesn't get hurt in times of play and fun, make sure your dog's toys don't pose a risk of hurting him. Read our list of toys not recommended for puppies.
34. Take the dog for a swim:
In addition to counting as a form of physical exercise, some dogs just love swimming for fun. If that's the case for your dog, he'll be very happy if you take him for a swim.
35. Give the dog something to bite:
Dogs love to bite things and sometimes this urge makes some guardians upset with the animals. Therefore, it is interesting that you give the dog some toy or specific object for the dog to bite when he feels like it.
36. Play hiding things with the dog:
In addition to being fun, this game can help your dog better develop his sense of smell to look for hidden objects and develop his investigative skills.

Attitudes that make your dog happy
37. happy birthday dog:
Dogs love celebrations, so why not take advantage of dates like your dog's birthday to throw a fun birthday party full of toys and dog food. This will make your dog very happy. See our recipes for cakes for dogs.
38. Be the dog's best friend:
The dog always treats his tutor as his best friend and why not give that feeling back? Do everything possible to please your dog, to ensure health and quality of life, so you will have the animal's unconditional love for all your life.
39. Take a picture with the dog:
Dogs love to hang out with their tutors, even if these moments are just for taking selfies to be posted on social media. Read our 10 tips for photographing puppies.
40. Make your puppy comfortable according to the room temperature:
This tip varies according to the temperature of the environment and the breed of the dog. If your dog has a short coat and it's cold, it's important that you get him warm. If your dog has a long coat and it's hot, it's important that you can keep him cool.
41. Be kind to the dog:
Don't mistreat your dog. He might make mistakes at times, but who hasn't? So be patient with him and teach him with love and care.
42. Don't leave your dog alone for too long:
Leaving the dog alone for a long time can make it stressed and consequently the animal can develop psychological illnesses such as depression and anxiety.
43. Play music for your dog:
Songs can stir the feelings of your dogs, making you more relaxed or happier. Some dogs even howl when they hear music. You can try out different styles of music to see which the dog likes the most.
44. Avoid getting the dog wet:
Letting your pet's fur wet can make the environment prone to the development of various skin diseases, so keep your pet clean and dry at all times.
45. Keep the house safe for the dog:
Your house is also the dog house. It is important that you leave the house in the safest way for the animal, avoiding placing toxic products in places that the dog can have access, leaving a free environment for the animal to play, among others.
46. Have a phone book with emergency contacts:
Unforeseen events happen and at these times it is always useful that you have easy access to contact a veterinarian, or anyone who can help your dog and you in times of despair.