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How to prevent cats from climbing the wall


Cat are adventurou , and with their enormou agility, they u e all po ible option to try to e cape. The de ire to explore take hold of them and, a they are trapeze arti t , they can ea ily climb any fe...

Types of birds: characteristics, names and examples


Bird are warm-blooded vertebrate and are found within the tetrapod group. Can be found in all kind of habitat and on all continent , even in environment a cold a Antarctica. It main characteri tic i t...

My cat cries when I go out. Why?


There i a myth that cat are extremely independent animal . However, ju t like dog , feline can expre di plea ure, anxiety or even regret for the ab ence of their owner . There i no et age for them to ...

savannah cat


With an exotic and unique appearance, the avannah cat look like a miniature leopard. But, make no mi take, it i a dome tic feline that adapt perfectly to living indoor , in addition, it i an active, o...

Why does my dog ​​bite its tail?


Dog expre a multitude of thing with their bodie . You've probably noticed how they communicate very well when they want to " ay" omething: they wag their tail , their ear , change po iti...

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Names for black bitches


Recently adopted or are you thinking of adopting a black bitch? It ha load of technique for choo ing a name for a female dog. Many tutor look for a name that reflect the dog' color - it' quite...

Tips for dogs afraid of thunder


Today it i undeniable that dog can feel emotion that until recently we believed were exclu ively human, for example, today we can ay that dog al o feel jealou . However, although canine emotion are cu...

Because cats sleep on top of their owner


If you are the happy guardian of a cat, you know very well that your feline companion alway find a way to ettle down next to or on top of you at bedtime. Cat choo e their owner and al o determine the ...

Teaching an adult dog to walk with a guide


Do you hare your hou e with an adult dog that doe n't know how to walk with a guide? Thi i an e pecially common ituation in ca e of adoption of adult dog , ince many of them did not have the nece ...

Problems in the delivery of bitches


If your bitch i pregnant, it i e ential that you find out about everything that i important during the bitch' pregnancy, to know everything he need and everything that can happen. o that when the ...

Why does my dog ​​drool so much?


If you have a dog at home, you've probably noticed that ometime you drool a little. Canine drool i a normal phenomenon, a the animal' alivary gland are con tantly functioning to help it while ...