
Pet snake: care and advice


When we talk about pet , we alway a ociate thi term to cat and dog , although thi a ociation i now ob olete. Many people choo e to hare their home with ferret , fi h, turtle , quirrel , rabbit , rat ,...

Feline Mycoplasmosis - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment


Feline mycopla mo i , al o called feline infectiou anemia or cat flea di ea e, i a di ea e cau ed by para itic bacteria. Mycopla ma haemopheli which can often go unnoticed or, in evere ca e , manife t...



THE cockatiel or cockatiel (Nymphicu hollandicu ) i one of the mo t popular pet bird in Brazil. Thi bird belong to the order p ittaciforme , ame order a parrot , cockatoo , parakeet etc. Thi popularit...

How to take care of a mini pig


take care of a mini pig doe not require pecial kill . However, piggie need a lot of attention and time from their guardian. The pig i a docile animal and friendly uitable to be an excellent companion ...

The best toys for parakeets


Parakeet are ociable and playful animal that need to practice phy ical activitie every day, in addition to having fun playing with other parakeet or toy to keep them elve mentally timulated and not ge...

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The 7 rarest marine animals in the world


The ea, infinite and enigmatic, i full of my terie and mo t of them have not yet been di covered. In the depth of the ocean, not only i there darkne and ancient unken hip , there i al o life. There ar...
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Hyperactive Dog - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment


Many dog ​​handler claim to be ure they are hyperactive. We often hear phra e uch a "my dog ​​i never quiet", "my dog ​​i very agitated", "my dog ​​doe n't get tired"...
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Weasel feeding


The wea el, who e cientific name i mu tela nivali , belong to the group of mu telid mammal , which i home to approximately 60 pecie , among which we can al o find the ermine, the badger or the ferret....
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Homemade flea shampoo for dogs


There i a wide variety of dog flea hampoo very effective. However, the e chemical hampoo have certain degree of toxicity for our pet and al o for u .The in ect repellent hampoo ba ed on natural produc...
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At what age does a dog become an adult?


Knowing your dog' age i not only important to, for example, calculate the equivalence between the year you are with you and your age in "dog year ", but in addition, each tage of the dog...
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How to cure a cat with a sore paw


Let' not forget that our dear cat are predator and their organi m i perfectly de igned for hunting. An example of thi are the your paw pad . Cat pillow are very en itive and thi en itivity i u ed ...
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