Poped Today

Why do cats bite guardians?


Anyone who ha or ha ever had a cat know that they have a very complex behavior. There are very affectionate kitten , other that are quite independent and even cat that bite!The cau e of the bite i not...

Rabies in Cats - Symptoms and Prevention


I'm ure you've heard of canine rabie , a di ea e that affect all mammal and can even infect human . de pite the anger not being a very common di ea e in cat , it i very dangerou , ince it ha n...

Good food for dog fur


take care of your dog' furIt can ometime be a nightmare, e pecially if your pet i a long-haired breed. Wa hing it with the be t product , untangling tangle , drying and then bru hing the fur i not...

Why is the cat meowing?


When you live with cat , you oon get u ed to their characteri tic meowing and realize that they emit very different ound , depending on what you want to achieve. It i important to learn to recognize a...

Animals of the Atlantic Forest: birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians


Originally, the Atlantic Fore t i a biome formed by native fore t of different type and a ociated eco y tem that have already occupied 17 Brazilian tate . Unfortunately, today, according to data from ...

Interesting Today

Akita Inu


O Akita Inu or al o called Japane e akita i a breed from Japan, A ia, and in it home country it i con idered a national trea ure. It al o became an object of veneration a a ymbol of good health, pro p...

Bird names from A to Z


Bird are animal that are part of the Pa eriforme order, the mo t repre entative of the bird cla . It i e timated that there are more than 6,000 different pecie of bird around the world, among the appr...

Brussels Griffon


Bru el Griffon, Belgian Griffon and Little Brabançon are companion puppie from Bru el . It can be aid that they are three breed in one, a they only differ by the color and type of fur. In fact, t...

How moving house affects dogs


Dome tic animal , uch a dog and cat , are often very en itive to change that occur in your environment, tre ing you and even making you ick with thing like the arrival of a baby or another pet or a ch...

grizzly bear


O gray bear (Ur u arcto horribili ) i one of the emblematic animal of the U. , however, thi did not exempt him from being one of the mo t endangered animal on the American continent. Gray bear are clo...

Is Rottweiler dangerous?


Currently, due to law uch a potentially dangerou dog , many people prefer not to adopt dog of Pitt Bull, Doberman, Rottweiler breed , among other .Hi tory ha marked the e race hard, however, we mu t a...