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how dogs think


Know how the dog think it require dedication and ob ervation to under tand that the e are creature that rea on, feel and uffer. In addition to canine educator and ethologi t , they are the owner who d...

What to Know Before Adopting a Dog


There i no doubt that dog are great pet , faithful and adorable, but of cour e the e are not enough rea on to decide to live with one of them. One of the main problem related to pet i the abandonment ...

The dogs that shed the most fur


your dog loo e a lot of fur? Do not panic! You hould know that there are a number of breed that are more prone to exce ive hair lo than other . If you do not find it on thi li t, or if you are one of ...

Because cats move their kittens


Before making the deci ion to breed your kitten to have kitten , without a doubt, it i e ential that you know what are the nece ary care with a pregnant cat. However, it i al o important that you unde...

The twister rat as a pet


Rodent are nowaday con idered excellent companion animal and more and more, we find people who have cho en to hare their home with the e friendly creature , being common for the ham ter, the guinea pi...

Editor’S Choice

Activated carbon for cats: how and when to use


Activated charcoal i a good product to have on hand when living with animal . In fact, it i recommended that you alway include it in your Fir t aid kit. Thi i due, above all, to the fact that activate...

Dominant Dog - How to Identify and Deal


Many owner ay that their dog are dominant when they have a fight with other dog , become aggre ive, di obey their owner' order or develop ome behavior problem . They al o u ually refer to thi term...

Siamese cat food


If you want to have a healthy cat, the proper feeding of the iame e cat it i e ential to make your pet healthy and happy. iame e cat are healthy animal and have little problem to care for. In addition...

How to make cat toys


Cat play ince they are kitten and for their entire live . Play behavior i normal and very important to the cat' well-being. Did you know that play behavior i een in cat even when they are malnouri...

Home remedies for dog cold


O cold in dog , when mild, i a condition that can be ea ily treated with imple care and home remedie . In thi article by PeritoAnimal we will explain what the common cold i , what are the ymptom of a ...

Tailless cat breeds


The be t known breed of taille cat are cat . Manx and the Bobtail , however, they are not the only one . Have you ever wondered why there i a cat without a tail? Taille cat breed exi t becau e of muta...